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Is micro hair pigmentation permanent?

Micro hair pigmentation (MHP) is a popular treatment for men and women who suffer from hair loss, even complete baldness.

It is a non-surgical treatment that involves applying tiny pigments (resembling hair stubble) to the scalp to create the illusion of natural hair.

hair pigmentation example
Left 2023 - right 2025

But is micro hair pigmentation permanent?


Micro hair pigmentation is not permanent, but semi-permanent.

This means that the results may fade over time, and most people will need a touch-up treatment after a few years to maintain the results.

In our practice we see that the 'shaven look' clients (or shaved haircut pigmentation) have a small touch-up done after 3-5 years. This is a one-time small session that takes about 2 hours.

An hourly rate, or touch up rate, is charged for this. Hair pigmentation rates

After that you are 'maintenance free' again for the next 3-5 years.

For customers who have had optical densification performed, a refresher session is only necessary after 5-10 years.

hair pigmentation example
Left 2015 - Right 2023

Factors affecting duration

The duration of the results of micro hair pigmentation depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • The type of pigment used (we use American pigments)

  • The depth of the pigmentation

  • The experience of the pigmentation specialist (right mix, right depth, consistency ....)

  • The person's skin

  • The lifestyle of the person. If you sit in the sun unprotected all summer long, you will need a touch up sooner than someone who protects their scalp from the sun (Hat - cap or a product with SPF such as Zero Shine 2.0 )


Although micro hair pigmentation is not permanent, it does have a number of advantages over permanent hair pigmentation, such as:

  • It is quite easy to adapt to the changing hair situation.

  • If no touch up is performed the pigments will slowly fade over the years. This gives almost the same effect as progressive hair loss.


A disadvantage of micro hair pigmentation is that it is not permanent and therefore means that you have to refresh the treatment after a while (usually 3-5 years). However, this is a one-time treatment where the intensity is increased by placing new pigments. The 'old' pigments will continue to fade over the years and eventually disappear.

Although micro hair pigmentation is not permanent, it can achieve a very long-lasting result

hair pigmentation example
Left 2020 - right 2024

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