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Failed hair transplant? Ultimate solution makes camouflage possible

This patient has had a hair transplant in the past.

Unfortunately, no details are available about this.

hair transplants recognizable in hairline
hair transplants recognizable in hairline

The fact is that his hair loss continued and the implants in his hairline became clearly visible. As a result, he shaved his hair short to camouflage the unnatural stubble.

In order to address the problem, he had hair pigmentation performed as a solution to the failed hair transplant.

Causes - consequences - solution for hair loss:

  • Progressive hair loss: It is not uncommon for hair loss to continue after a hair transplant. Hair transplants do not address the cause of hair loss, they simply reposition existing hairs. If hair loss is progressive, such as male pattern baldness, the transplanted hairs will eventually fall out as well.

  • Visible implants: This can have several causes. Perhaps the implants were not placed properly, or perhaps the hair around the implants has fallen out, making them more noticeable. Often it is also a lack of quality selection of donor hair, which results in hairs with a thick structure being placed in areas where there are naturally thin hairs.

  • Hair pigmentation: This can be a good solution to camouflage the visible implants. Hair pigmentation creates the illusion of hair stubble, which makes the scalp look fuller. It is important that the hair pigmentation is done correctly, so that the result looks natural.

Camouflage of the hair transplant by means of hair pigmentation

Possible solution for failed hair transplant :

  • Additional hair pigmentation: If the patient is not satisfied with the result of the micro hair pigmentation, he may consider undergoing additional treatment. Many factors must be taken into account when performing repair treatments for a failed hair transplant. There is no 'standard' solution. This usually requires multiple treatments, small steps, to achieve the final result in a safe manner.

  • Hair transplant revision: In some cases a revision of the original hair transplant may be an option. However, this is a complex procedure and not always successful or possible (lack of donor hair).

  • Medication for baldness: Depending on the cause of the hair loss, medications such as finasteride or minoxidil may help slow or stop further hair loss.

It is important that the patient has realistic expectations about the possible results of each treatment.

Rule of thumb: Cheap is usually expensive


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