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Discover the transformative power of micro hair pigmentation: your ultimate solution for hair thinning and complete hair loss

Do you suffer from baldness, low hair density after a hair transplant or conditions such as alopecia areata?

Micro Hair Pigmentation (MHP) could be the breakthrough solution you've been looking for.

At Prohairclinic we offer a non-surgical, highly effective treatment designed to camouflage thinning hair and hair loss, giving you a full and natural looking head of hair.

Here's everything you need to know about this innovative procedure.

What is micro hair pigmentation?

Micro hair pigmentation is an advanced, non-surgical treatment that applies pigment to the scalp.

This technique creates the illusion of a full head of hair by inserting virtual 'hair follicles' that mimic real hair follicles.

It is ideal for people with advanced hair loss, including complete baldness or low density after hair transplantation.

Why choose micro hair pigmentation?

1. Non-surgical Solution: MHP is a non-invasive procedure that does not require surgery. Pigment is applied to the scalp to simulate closely shaved hair follicles, providing a full, natural look.

2. Effective for Advanced Hair Loss: Whether you are experiencing complete baldness or want to enhance a close-cropped hairstyle, MHP can create a convincing optical illusion of a full head of hair.

3. Fast results: The full effect of micro hair pigmentation is typically achieved after just three treatments, which are usually completed within a month.

4. Minimal recovery time: Recovery after treatment is minimal. Most patients experience no swelling, bruising or crusting, allowing them to return to normal activities the next day.

5. Cost-Effective: Compared to hair transplantation, MHP is a more affordable option, making it accessible to those looking for a budget-friendly solution.

6. Long-lasting results: The results of micro hair pigmentation last for several years, with touch-ups needed approximately every 3-5 years.

7. Low maintenance: Once the desired result is achieved, no additional products or frequent maintenance are required. The treatment requires minimal maintenance.

8. High Density: MHP can achieve exceptionally high 'hair' density, often mimicking the density of hair before hair loss occurred.

9. Natural-looking results: A well-done pigmentation is virtually indistinguishable from natural hair at a normal social distance. Most of our clients confirm this with positive testimonials.

10. Restoration and camouflage: MHP is highly recommended for camouflaging hair transplant scars (FUE or FUT) or improving existing hair density. It can also effectively address problems of failed hair transplants.

Ideal candidates for micro hair pigmentation

Micro hair pigmentation is versatile and can address several types of hair loss, including:

  • Complete Baldness: Create the look of a full head of cropped hair.

  • Post-Transplant Density: Improve hair density after hair transplant procedures.

  • Hair Transplant Scars: Camouflage FUE or FUT Hair Transplant Scars.

  • Alopecia areata: Improve the appearance of stable alopecia areata.

Your personal consultation

Before we start the treatment, we offer an extensive personal consultation to discuss your current hair situation, the cause of your hair loss, desired results and budget.

This ensures that our approach is tailored to your specific needs and expectations.

Meet our expert

Sabine Dillen, our specialist in micro hair pigmentation, is known for her expertise and dedication to achieving optimal results.

With her guidance, you can be confident that your treatment will be carried out to the highest standards.

MHP specialist Sabine Dillen
Sabine Dillen


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